Syed ul-Tafaseer Tafseer e-Ashrafi Urdu Allama Syed Mohammad Madni Ashrafi

Tafsir e-Ashrafi is a 10 volume Tafsir of al-Quran written by Allama Syed Mohammad Madni Ashrafi considered to be one of the reliable explanation of Quran for Sunni’s. It has been specifically been praised for being very straight forward and simple but very effective at the same time. It was completed and published in 2008.

Syed ul-Tafaseer Tafseer e-Ashrafi
تفسیر اشرفی سید التفاسیر


Allama Syed Mohammad Madni Ashrafi
علامہ سید محمد مدنی اشرفی

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