Tazkirat al-Awliya Urdu Shaykh Fariduddin Attar

Tazkirat al-Awliya is a hagiographic collection of thirty-nine Sufi saints and their miracles (Karamat) by the twelfth–thirteenth-century Persian poet and mystic, Farid al-Din ‘Attar. ‘Attar’s only surviving prose work comprises 72-chapters, beginning with the life of Jafar Sadiq, the Sixth Shia Imam, and ending with the Sufi Martyr, Mansur Al-Hallaj’s.

Tazkirat ul Aulia
تذکرۃ الاولیاء

Urdu Translation اردو ترجمہ

Shaykh Fariduddin Attar
شیخ فرید الدین عطار


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