Tareekh e-Tabri Urdu Muhammad ibn-Jarir al-Tabari

Tareekh e-Tabri
تاریخ طبری

Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari
أبو جعفر محمد بن جرير بن يزيد الطبري‎

Urdu Translation

ڈاکٹر محمد صدیق ہاشمی
Dr. Muhammad Siddique Hashmi

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Tarikh al-Umam wa’l muluk commonly known as Tareekh al-Tabari written by  Abu Ja’far Muhammad b Jarir al-Tabri, is a monumental work on Islamic history. The book discusses the history of the old nations, prophets, the rise of Islam and the history of the Islamic World. it was a painstaking time gathering and filtering the information from different sources taking more than 12 years in writing this book.